NRA Chief Range Safety Officer Course
Course Prerequisites: Basic Instructor Training, Range Safety Officer Training
Course Description:
This course focuses on the on proper teaching techniques as well as course preparation as a Chief Range Safety Officer. This course builds on the skills learned in the Range Safety Officer class as well as teaching candidates how to share their skills and knowledge with others. Upon successful completion of this course students are certified by the NRA to train new Range Safety Officers.
Course Topics:
Course Preparation
Proper teaching Techniques
Equipment Needed:
Notebook & Pen
Positive Attitude
Sneakers/Boots (NO Dress Shoes, Flip Flops Open Toed or Sandals)
Valid Driver's License or Government Issued Identification
Course Duration: 8 Hours
Cost: $200.00 Per Student
Course Location: 5 John L Dietsch Square, North Attleborough, MA 02763
Additional Information:
​For Additional Information on Private Instruction or when this course will be available,
Please Contact a Representative from our Patriot Team.